South Berkshire County Attractions

Within a few minutes of the property there are numerous cultural, historic, luxury, spiritual and wellness landmarks and venues. Here is a list of only a few of those amazing places all within 5 to 30 minutes of our property, providing weeks of fun and exploration of the area, to the most demanding of visitors and guests to our property. The property is a unique location as there are more attractions and destinations nearby per population than anywhere else in the world. From the world renowned Tanglewood to Kripalu, from the Canyon Ranch and Blantyre to the Berkshire Theater Festival to the Norman Rockwell Museum, Lenox and Stockbridge have more to offer in terms of history, art, culture nature, wellness and luxury than any small town in America.

 William College only 55 Minutes away is rated the number one college in the United States.

 Please email us at for more information and for partnership opportunities